We work on natural resources, energy and development projects, often with indigenous issues. We also advise on climate change opportunities and risk matters, environmental compliance issues, ESG and indigenous engagement. Our expertise includes:
Local communities and resources – making developments work for local communities and governments, co-investment and partnerships frameworks. We have extensive experience working with indigenous groups in relation to mining and resources projects, climate change and infrastructure such as pipelines.
Climate change – advising governments, indigenous groups and proponents on policy and legislative responses to green development, carbon projects (including blue carbon), mitigation initiatives, and pathways for incentivising renewable and clean energy. We also advise clients in relation to climate risk disclosure, greenhouse gas emissions reduction compliance, climate litigation associated with development approvals, new technology and ‘clean energy’ waste management, carbon credit generation and sale, adaptation and co-benefits, as well as opportunities and compliance considerations under the Paris Agreement.
Infrastructure – front end approvals and tenure required for linear developments (pipelines, communications cables, roads and rail spurs). We apply a strategic approach, factoring processes for land rights and native title agreements into project schedules, as well as non-indigenous landowner agreements, regulatory advice, environmental and development approvals, land acquisition and compensation.
Energy and resources projects – advisory work in the mining, oil and gas and renewable energy sectors. We assist with front-end approvals, land access and tenure, including state/territory and federal government approvals, regulatory advice, environmental and social impact assessment, and securing biodiversity and native vegetation offsets. We also provide support throughout the life of projects, including in relation to incident response, regulator engagement and enforcement action, waste and contamination issues, and end of life and closure considerations.
Indigenous and government – advising and advocating for indigenous organisations and government in relation to tenure reform, policies relevant to traditional rights and interests, legislative reform, comprehensive settlements, co-investment and partnerships and funding agreements.
Natural resource management – providing advice on water rights, indigenous protected areas, fisheries negotiations, national parks co-management arrangements and integrated management of conservation reserves.